What is needed to make your online business successful:

The three key elements that will make or break your efforts in creating a successful online business can also be referred to as the requirements for a well implemented cash/sales flow funnel. Planning your cash/sales flow funnel is critical to the success of your business, whether it is online or offline. And although the three parts of your cash generating machine are simple to understand, they will require either one of two things: lots of sweat equity or automation for scalability and growth. Simply put, the key principles to the success of your online marketing efforts are:

1) Traffic

2) Website

3) Offer/Product

Now let's take a look at how traffic can make or break your cash/sales flow funnel. Without enough visitors to your website, your chances of making cash/salses could be pretty dismal. On the other hand a website with lots of targeted visitors, by increasing traffic, for the niche that you are seeking to add value to, will have an opportunity to generate lots of cash/sales. And since businesses are created to make money, it's simply a no-brainer that you want as many "eyes on the prize" as possible.

Okay, on to the prize itself: A desirable offer or product that will fill some need of your targeted customer. You see in selecting this offer/product as a marketer you have done some research as to what problem(s) your targeted market has and how you can assist in solving that problem. So in presenting your offer/product to your targeted market you must provide them with all the necessary information, e.g. the ill-effects of the problem or how lovely life might be with this problem non-existent in their lives and therefore lead them into selling themselves on their need to have your offer/product as a solution to their problem. Through your content-rich platform/website you will need to have informative/educational articles and certainly where ever appropriate, embedded videos that will persuade your target market to the conclusion that this offer/product is just what they need, immediately to solve their problem.

In order to have a content-rich website that delivers the most bang for your buck, you must select a product that you believe in or that someone you know would desire to have. Selection of the perfect offer/product can be a complicated matter or even a simple one. Initially your offer/product should be something that is highly sought after and with little competition for fulfillment.

There are many ways to make your online business successful. But increasing the traffic of targeted prospects to your content-rich website is critical to making more money online. One thing that you have to keep in mind while planning your cash/sales flow funnel is that at some points you will either need to do a lot of footwork, find ways to automate the processes or outsource certain parts to experts. Outside of putting in all the sweat-equity yourself, you must plan/budget for either automated routes of generating traffic to your website, processing of orders through your website and possibly automated order fulfillment. In the end, scalability and duplication will exponentially increase your bottom line and lead to more profit for you and your business. To your success...

Choose a Desirable Offer/Product

Choosing the Right Product

When you first start your online business, the first and most obvious question you will ask yourself is…what am I going to sell? Points to consider when deciding the answer to that question are:

· Is it light and easy to ship?
· Is it a digital good that is downloaded (e-book or software)?
· Is it perishable or fragile?
· Does it have to be seen and held (designer fabrics, perhaps)
· Is there enough demand to make your venture profitable?
· Does it have little competition from large online companies (niche products)?

The last two characteristics are the ones that can be hard to pin down. Here is a generally accepted method of arriving at an idea of how heavy the demand and competition is for a product.

If you have a special interest in some products that meet the above criteria, great, but don't limit your investigation just to items you like. You are looking for a niche product with relatively good demand (enough to make it profitable), but without heavy competition.

One way to see what the demand is for products you are interested in is to look at search engines to see how frequently people search for the product you are considering.

The result of all this research should be that one or more products will fit into a niche market - products with some demand, and relatively little supply. For the best results, focus on one niche product category, and offer a wide selection. That way, you can become the best online source for that particular category. For example, instead of offering general craft supplies, offer the widest possible selection of needlepoint kits. This strategy will also allow you to rank higher in search engines because you can optimize your pages for fewer, more specific, keywords.  And as a result get more targetted traffic to your website.

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